We live in an age where a motivated student can easily access an abundance of educational materials available online to gain an undergraduate-level understanding of any major discipline. This is undeniably true for computer science and biology as well. However I have learnt that there are many aspects of teaching that can only be realized in actual classrooms and as part of one-to-one mentoring. It is this realization that drives my teaching.
At DLSU Manila:
- BIOINFO Bioinformatics : Undergraduate-level introductory course on bioinformatics.
- CSC711M/D Bioinformatics: Graduate-level introductory course on bioinformatics.
- CCDSTRU Discrete Structures: Introductory freshman undergrad course on discrete mathematics.
- CCDASLG Data Structures and Algorithms: Introductory undergrad course on data-structures and algorithms.
- CSALGCM: Algorithm and Complexity : Introductory undergrad course on algorithms and intractability.
At the University of Tokyo:
Introduction to Bioinformatics, group-taught course for graduate students, 2018 ゲノム配列解析論 (Genome Sequence analysis), group-taught course for undergraduate students in Department of Bioinformatics and System Biology and graduate students of Department of Computational Biology and Medical Sciences, University of Tokyo, 2015, 2016, 2017
情報基礎実験, a group-taught lab course in computer science for third-year undergraduate students of the Department of Bioinformatics and System Biology, Faculty of Science, University of Tokyo, 2014, 2015, 2016, 2017
Sequence analysis, a beginner-level introduction to topics in sequence alignment for researchers organized by HPCI.
At Keio University, Japan
- DATA SCIENCE FOR GENOME DYNAMICS / GENOME INFORMATICS (GIGA), Guest lectures at Keio University Shonan-Fujisawa Campus, 2017, 2021.
At Tokyo Institute of Technology (as teaching assistant):
- Discrete Structures and Algorithms (離散構造とアルゴリズム), 2008 — 2011
- Experiments in Computer Science (情報実験), 2008, 2009
- Algorithms and Software Design, TAIST-TokyoTech (Thailand Advanced Institute of Science and Technology and Tokyo Institute of Technology), 2008,2009
- Foundations of Computer Science (情報基礎学), 2011